OCR: Thanks for using EasyTr ansfer EasyTr ransfer is 1992- S6 Christopher Reid EasyTr ansfer Share eware and the single user registration fee is US$20. Site licences are also available Please contact au bu e-mail for further informat tion. Unfor -tunately I can qdagoe cheques unless they are a) made out pounds sterling 10 b] US$15 handling charge is added The same applies international postal money orders. Cash (whatever the equival lent OF US$20 welcome in anu currency Please send your registration fee Christopher Reid Flat T2 Clarendon Court 9 Clarendon Place Glasgow G20 7PZ Scotland For latest version of Easy Transfer see .strath. ac .uk/macstuff/EasuTransfer/ Please feel free to contact eu at any time by e-mail (cr@cs. .strath. ac.uk) if you exper ience any problems with the softw rare or ...